December is a great time to winterize your garden. Whether you live in the northern or southern hemisphere, winterizing your garden will help it stay healthy and beautiful throughout the winter months. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 10 things to do in the garden this December so that when spring comes around again, you’ll be ready with lush green plants and trees.
If you’re living in the northern hemisphere, winterizing your garden means taking steps to protect your plants from the cold weather. This includes insulating them with mulch or straw, ensuring proper drainage so that water doesn’t freeze and damage their roots, and covering them with frost cloth if there is a risk of a hard freeze.
1. Clear Your Gutters
One of the most important things to do in the garden this December is clear your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause water damage to your home and garden, so it’s best to take care of them now before the winter weather sets in. Please spend some time cleaning the dead foliage and twigs out of your gutters and make sure they’re ready to handle any winter weather.
2. Protect Fragile Plants
Another critical task for gardeners this December is protecting plants affected by the brisk winter wind. If you have any fragile plants in your garden, consider moving them inside if possible or covering them with a winter-proof cover. Burlap is a great way to protect fragile plants and keep them warm.
3. Prune Trees and Shrubs
We’ve talked about pruning, but December is also a great time to prune trees and shrubs. Pruning helps remove dead, or damaged branches, promotes healthy growth, and can improve the appearance of your garden. Please look at our blog about 3 Easy Steps to Structural Pruning to learn more about pruning your trees.
4. Put Away Garden Equipment
If you plan on winterizing your garden, now is the time to put away any equipment. You don’t want this stuff sitting out when winter comes around! If you can, use a garden shed or garage for storage. Just make sure that if it’s attached to your home and that it’s properly winterized as well. This will help extend the life of your equipment and make your yard look neater as well!
This is a great time to take inventory of all your tools and take note of anything that needs to be repaired or replaced. This way, you’ll be ready to start gardening as soon as the weather warms up!
5. Water Trees and Shrubs
It’s essential to water your trees and shrubs during the winter months, especially if there is no snow on the ground. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to water your plants every week or so. Check the soil moisture before watering; if it’s wet, don’t water, or you’ll risk overwatering your plants and giving them root rot. For more information on the prevention and treatment of root rot, read our article on Root Rot of Texas Trees.
6. Start Composting
Composting is a great way to recycle your kitchen and garden waste, and it’s also a great way to improve the quality of your soil. December is a perfect time to start composting since you’ll have plenty of winter vegetable scraps to add to your pile.
7. Mulch Your Yard
Another winter garden task is to mulch your yard. This will help protect the ground from sun and rain, which can cause soil erosion during the winter months. Spread a two-inch layer of organic matter such as leaves or wood chips over your lawn, and it’ll keep things looking nice all winter long!
8. Turn Off Your Sprinklers
While freezing is not common in Texas, keep an eye on the temp forecast. If freezes are expected, turn off your automatic sprinklers to avoid broken pipes and water damage. Many modern sprinkler systems have weather integrations. Make sure this is functioning properly before you rely on it.
9. Feed the Birds
Bundle up and spend some time outside feeding the birds this winter. Birds have less food available in the winter. They’ll love the extra food, and you’ll love the sight of all those beautiful feathers! There are many different bird feeders available, so find one that best suits your needs.
10. Clean-Up Snow and Ice
One of the less fun but necessary winter tasks is cleaning up any snow and ice. This can include shoveling, using salt or chemical deicer, or a snowblower. Ensure you take precautions while doing this job, such as wearing boots with good traction and dressing in layers. Safety first!
BONUS: 11. Get Some New Seeds
Start planning your winter garden by purchasing some new seeds. We’ve got all the winter crops you need, from broccoli and cabbage to winter squash and winter lettuces! Seed catalogs start coming out in early winter. Consider ordering some seeds before the spring rush! This way, you can plan your spring garden while winter takes hold. You can also plant winter annuals like pansies, primrose, and violas to add some color to your garden in the winter months!
Winter Gardening Made Easy
I hope you enjoyed this post about 10 Things to do in the Garden this December! To recap, here is an easy list to save for future use:
1. Clear Your Gutters
2. Protect Fragile Plants
3. Prune Trees and Shrubs
4. Put Away Garden Equipment
5. Water Trees and Shrubs
6. Start Composting
7. Mulch Your Yard
8. Turn Off Your Sprinklers
9. Feed the Birds
10. Clean-Up Snow and Ice
11. Get Some New Seeds
We hope you’ve found these tips helpful! For more information on garden maintenance in winter, check out our blogs:
Preventative Care on Trees for the Winter Season
Your Tree Service Checklist to Prepare for Winter Weather
How to Care for Your Crepe Myrtle This Winter
If you need help with your trees this winter and beyond, contact TreeNewal. Our ISA-certified arborists can help your trees maintain their beauty and health all year long. Contact us or give us a call at (817) 349–7754 to schedule your free consultation today!