North Texas is home to a wide assortment of wonderful hardwood trees, and we love our trees for nearly as wide a variety of reasons. However, similar to every single living thing, some of the time, trees become ill. The following are five of the most well-known destructive hardwood tree diseases and what to search for so you’ll realize how to spot them if your adored tree is sick or biting the dust.
Armillaria Root Rot
Armillaria Root Rot, otherwise called Mushroom Root Rot or Oak Root Rot, is considered one of the most exceedingly terrible tree diseases. It attacks hardwoods, softwoods, shrubs, and vines all through the United States and is a critical reason for Oak decay. Armillaria Root is a parasitic fungus that is generally dangerous to hardwood trees that have effectively been debilitated by pests or other environmental or climatic components. When the fungus attacks a healthy tree, it will murder or make the tree helpless against different diseases or pests.
What it resembles: Armillaria Root sources wood decay and growth reduction. On the off chance that those side effects get away from your notice, you may notice a few mushrooms growing at the tree’s base. Stripping back the bark will uncover a white fungus, which is the illness’s characterizing trademark.
What to do: Unfortunately, there’s no immediate and straightforward treatment or remedy for Armillaria Root Rot. You can manage everything for your hardwood tree to boost its health through appropriate tree health care rehearses like routine tree trimming and pruning, soil conditioning, and supplemental watering. On the off chance that you get Armillaria Root Rot early, you could control the infection. If not, everything you can manage is to prevent its spread through tree removal.
Oak Wilt
Oak Wilt Disease is considered probably the greatest danger to our North Texas Oak trees. Typically this sickness influences Red Oak and Live Oak trees around there. However, it can taint any Oak trees. When the fungus contaminates a tree, it attacks and challenges people the tree’s water-conducting systems and kills the tree, in some cases when a month and a half after disease.
What it resembles: It initially shows up as parasitic spore mats in the Spring, which smell sweet and draw in the sap-sucking Nitidulid Beetle. Nitidulid Beetles spread the infection by conveying the spores to close trees. Oak Wilt can likewise be spread by root-to-root contact. You may again notice your tree’s leaves wilting and becoming bronze while staying on the tree.
What to do: Improper pruning or pruning from February through June when scarab movement is at its pinnacle can make your Oak trees more helpless to Oak Wilt, so try not to prune during that time. If you think your Oak Tree may be experiencing Oak Wilt, call a certified arborist tree administration right away. Our ISA Certified Arborists are extraordinarily prepared in Oak Wilt anticipation and treatment, so call us today for an appointment.
Anthracnose Disease is a term for gathering hardwood tree diseases that cause sores on the leaves, the branches, or the organic product. Even though their belongings are, for the most part, corrective, they can do genuine harm to a few trees, for example, American Sycamores, Black Walnuts, Dogwoods, Ash trees, and trees inside the White Oak bunch. Anthracnose will remain on tainted leaves the entire winter and reinfect the tree in the spring. On the off chance that your tree encounters rehashed annual defoliation, it can debilitate the tree and make it defenseless against different diseases or pests, which will, at last, execute the tree.
It resembles the most well-known manifestation from this gathering of diseases: unpredictable earthy colored or tan blotches on the leaves and early leaf drop.
What to do: These diseases are, for the most part, brought about by excellent, moist conditions. Cut back any vigorously tainted branches and get together dead leaves to forestall reinfection in the spring. If you figure your tree may be sick or need quick tree services, you should call an expert tree care provider for help.
Dutch Elm Disease
American Elms were once predominant all through the United States and Southern Canada until the early 1900s when a harmful strain of Dutch Elm Disease showed up on our shores and crushed our Elm populace. By 1989, the sickness had slaughtered more than 75% of the Elms in North America, and it had likewise unleashed ruin on the Elm populace in Europe. Today the Elm populace in the United States is on the ascent once more, generally because of cultivars impervious to Dutch Elm Disease. Notwithstanding, for American Elms and other Elm trees, Dutch Elm Disease is as yet a genuine danger.
It resembles: You’ll notice the leaves on distinct branches will shrink and become yellow, or at times the leaves will wilt immediately. At that point, get out and fall dry the tree while still green. A few branches may bend or show staining.
What to do: Remove any contaminated branches and dispose of them appropriately. Call an ISA Certified Arborist promptly on the off chance that you presume your tree has Dutch Elm Disease. Even though the tree is excessively contaminated, it may be eliminated. TreeNewal can assist with tree care or tree removal, so call our tree specialists at your soonest accommodation.
Cotton Root Rot
It wasn’t excessively quite a while in the past that large numbers of the spaces encompassing Dallas-Fort Worth were rural grounds. Obviously, that changed throughout the years as fields and ranches progressively became urban sprawl. However, even though the landscape advanced, some soilborne parasites have stayed lethargic in the soil for a long time. One of those is Cotton Root Rot, which was previously a major issue for cotton crops, and is presently a major issue for a portion of our trees in North Texas.
What it resembles: If your tree is tainted with Cotton Root Rot, you’ll presumably notice wilting and staining in the leaves at some point in spring or early summer. You may likewise notice light-colored parasitic mats, which will create on top of the soil. These mats don’t spread the spores; they demonstrate that the microorganism is available in the soil.
What to do: The ideal approach to protect your trees from this infection is to guarantee that your tree is healthy and the soil has a legitimate equilibrium of supplements and soil science. On the off chance that you notice early side effects, call a certified arborist quickly as explicit soil medicines could save your tree. Nonetheless, if your tree is seriously tainted with Cotton Root Rot, it may be eliminated to protect different trees around there.
TreeNewal’s ISA Certified Arborists can help.
On the off chance that you think your hardwood tree may be sick or kicking the bucket from infection, fungus, pests, or some other explanation, our tree care experts at TreeNewal are accessible to help you. We have ISA Certified Arborists on staff and a team of highly trained and qualified tree care professionals. We offer expert tree care services such as tree pruning, pest and disease management, soil conditioning, root aeration, and much more. Our tree surgeons can also help with tree trimming and tree removal. We are equipped to safely dispose of any infected trees, branches, or stumps. For more information or to set up an appointment, go to our website at or call us at (817) 349–7754.