A Happy New Year from TreeNewal to You-Fort Worth

5 min readMar 3, 2021


Whether you’re new to TreeNewal or you’ve been with us since the start, we trust you realize that we are pleased to be a Fort Worth territory master tree specialist organization. We are energetic about collaborating with our neighbors in Fort Worth to save your trees. We need to help Fort Worth property owners as you deal with all your tree concerns — of all shapes and sizes. It’s essential to us since we realize your trees are imperative to you. 2020 was a challenging year for large numbers of our neighbors, and not every person had the assets to spend on tree care. Here’s a story we’d prefer to share that represents that reality and discloses to you a little about who we are as an organization: fantastic

David’s Story:

The start of the year had been delayed for TreeNewal, so David contacted his church, 121 Community Church in Grapevine, offering to fertilize and prune all trees on-premises since he realized this permitted his colleagues to keep working and get a check.

Around the center of a year ago, TreeNewal President David Gaona was welcome to visit Bible Missionary Church with Tony, TreeNewal’s Tree Care Foreman; and saw a few Live Oak trees around the church’s property urgently should have been pruned. Out of worry for the trees’ health, David addressed why they weren’t satisfactorily tended to. Tony clarified that the church is small and doesn’t have a spending plan for tree care. That didn’t agree with David since, similar to all the colleagues at TreeNewal, David has confidence in TreeNewal’s vision to affect by sufficiently maintaining trees.

Like the work at his church, TreeNewal absorbed the cost of the work and materials. In addition to the fact that it is fundamental for TreeNewal to reward the climate, yet additionally important to offer back locally and to our representatives.

Notwithstanding a sluggish beginning, TreeNewal completed the year solidly, leaving us with considerably better standards for 2021. However, before we kick the old year to the check and dispatch into the new year, there are about 2020 reflections from David:

What is Something You Did in 2020 You’re Unfathomably Glad For?

“In December of 2019, at our Christmas celebration, I focused on commencing 2020 by beginning a grant asset of $5,000 consistently for our workers and their kids. We also dedicated to contributing $5,000 consistently towards a reason, regardless of its missions, helping underprivileged children, churches, or effort programs. We had the option to do this in 2020 regardless of COVID, and past that, we were likewise ready to give our workers a little Christmas reward this year. The pandemic affected countless organizations out there. Because of our clients, we were lucky enough that our business expanded, and we had the option to recruit more workers this year, and we didn’t need to lay off any of our representatives. I’m delighted to engage them with that.”

We’re Here For You:

We trust these accounts to delineate the worth we have for our colleagues and our clients. We accept that if we deal with our colleagues, we engage them to enable their networks. At the point when you need us, we’re prepared to meet with you to make an appraisal and proposals to amplify the health and excellence of your Fort Worth region trees.

On the off chance that you have worries about your tree’s health and are looking for professional tree care or a certified arborist to respond to specific inquiries, you’ve gone to the correct spot. We can handle your tree care needs in any piece of your tree’s life cycle — from planting to develop tree care to stump expulsion. TreeNewal is a Tree Service LLC with three ISA Certified Arborists in staff and a group of exceptionally qualified tree care specialists. We offer tree administrations, for example,

  • Tree trimming and removal — One of the best proactive estimates you can take with your trees is regular pruning and managing. It makes a solid design and keeps up the general health and excellence of your tree. It additionally eliminates potential security perils from your property. It would help if you utilized appropriate present-day procedures when managing or removing branches, so we suggest reaching a certified arborist tree administration to make proposals to lessen pointless harm to your trees and individual wellbeing.
  • Air-spade and aeration — Healthy trees have healthy roots; however, it very well may be trying to keep an eye on a tree’s foundations, given that they’re underground. An air-spade permits arborists to securely and adequately gather the soil up from the tree’s base to break down the root flare without hurting the tree. On the off chance that you need an arborist to analyze your tree’s health, call us.
  • Tree nourishment and soil conditioning — Like every living thing, trees need the appropriate soil and nutrients to develop further, yet various trees require various things. Our arborists can decide whether your trees are getting the correct nutrients they need through an on-location conference. We’ll work with you to pick a supplemental tree upkeep program planned considering your tree.
  • Insect management — North Central Texas is slithering with insects that could hurt the health of your trees. Protection quantifies that stop insect pervasions before they start the best methodology. If you think your tree as of now has an insect issue, call us right away.
  • Disease and fungus management — Do you think your tree is debilitated? There are things you can do to reinforce the health of your tree to forestall sickness or fungus. If you accept your tree as of now has an issue, call us at the earliest opportunity so our arborists can analyze your tree and decide on a tweaked tree care program to nurture your tree back to full health.

On the off chance that your tree needs help with any of these zones, a nearby tree arborist from our group would be glad to respond to your inquiries or make a visit to your property to address any genuine concerns. Our certified tree specialists are awesome for the business. Associate with our group today to talk about your tree health questions or concerns. Call us at 817–264–7937 for more data.

