Business Growth Strategies: Top 6 Practices to Beat Your Competition

5 min readSep 19, 2022


Creating a digital footprint is the first and most important step in every successful marketing campaign. In the online world, you may make a place for yourself by launching your own website. The next step is to map out how you want to expand your business via smarter marketing and the resulting increase in leads, website traffic, and client acquisition. We will discuss which forms of promotion, such as SEO, social media, and influencer advertising, will be most effective for your company in 2022.

There is more than one marketing solution to choose from. Based on extensive consumer research and an examination of the most promising marketing trends for 2022, we have identified the top ten approaches to use in your business.

Keep in mind that the success of any strategy relies on the audience’s already positive feelings about your brand. The most successful campaigns are those that successfully accomplish all three goals: they either educate, inspire, or entertain the target audience.

Content marketing

The marketing industry has evolved during the last decade. There has been an uptick in recent years in the number of blogs, podcasts, and webinars that are interesting to their viewers and welcome their participation.

Making content that people find useful and interesting now benefits everyone involved. Strategically connecting with a consumer in a personal way is made possible via content marketing.

Awareness, authority, and narrative flow are three more benefits of content marketing. The time spent on this tactic early on can come in useful for future marketing strategies, such as repurposing your content for social media or email newsletters. Here are some of the most commonly used approaches to content marketing:

  • Content writing
  • Infographics
  • Video marketing
  • Starting a podcast

Social media marketing

71% of small and medium-sized enterprises market on social media. It’s hardly surprising that the proportion is so high. Promoting your website via social media is a powerful tool for raising brand awareness and attracting new visitors. Furthermore, it may be a helpful channel for generating leads, making sales, learning more about your target market, and resolving consumer issues.

Instagram Reels and TikTok are just two of the many platforms where you can expose your work to new audiences. Make sure you choose your channels of distribution carefully, giving priority to those most likely to reach your intended audience. audience. Creating a LinkedIn business profile is crucial if you want to attract professionals.

You should prioritize video marketing as a content medium that is gaining popularity on social media.

Social media advertising is another component that should not be overlooked. For instance, Facebook ads have been shown to result in a significant increase in brand-new clientele. Do you want to promote your company on Facebook? Wix’s Facebook advertising platform integrates seamlessly with your website for convenient management and tweaking of your ads. Using remarketing on social media to lure customers back to your site to make a purchase is an efficient strategy.

Frequently used social media platforms for advertising businesses:

  • Instagram marketing
  • YouTube marketing
  • TikTok marketing
  • Facebook marketing
  • LinkedIn marketing
  • Pinterest marketing
  • Twitter marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Micro-moments may be found in abundance on search engines. There is a great deal of motivation to study, shop, or act in certain situations. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results.

By using SEO strategies, you may drive qualified visitors to your site. People that visit your company website after doing an online search have already shown an interest in what you have to offer. Increasing site visitors is only one of several major upsides. SEO isn’t only good for a business’s bottom line. In fact, “SEO is better than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for driving sales,” according to 70% of internet marketers.

Mastering effective keyword research is crucial to your success in search engine optimization. To improve your site’s search engine rankings, you should first identify the high-intent keywords you want to target, and then optimize the content of your landing pages accordingly. Make advantage of search engine optimization (SEO) software as well.

Email marketing and newsletters

Recent research shows that email is the key lead generation medium for 89% of marketers. If you want your email marketing campaign to be successful, however, you need to send the appropriate message to the right people (no spammy “Buy now” emails). An effective email marketing campaign fosters engagement and earns the confidence of its target audience.

Email automation is still viable, so long as you remember to include some kind of valuable content. Examples like these newsletters demonstrate how organizations of any size may reach out to their readers in fresh and engaging ways. Create two versions of your mail and do split tests to see which one performs better.

If executed properly, email marketing may significantly boost ROI, increase client retention, and influence purchase choices.

Influencer marketing

Author and businessman Seth Godin has said, “People do not purchase things and services. They pay for connections, lore, and illusions. These are the aphorisms that best describe the efficacy of influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is one of the most rapidly expanding marketing approaches because it allows actual individuals to advocate for a business.

People who have a large fan base or are widely regarded as experts in their field are called “influencers.” This is a great kind of advertising since it exposes your brand and goods to a large audience with less effort on your part. In addition, the influencer you’ve selected may utilize their status to persuade prospective customers in your favor.

The trick is to track out people whose audiences overlap with your own and whose beliefs are compatible with those of your brand. Get your feet wet by forming collaborations with nano and micro-influencers. Intriguingly, their engagement and conversion rates often surpass those of accounts with a large number of followers.

The following staggering statistics will further convince you of the financial potential of an effective influencer marketing strategy:

60% of marketers say influencer material outperforms their own brand’s content.

More than seventy percent of marketers believe that influencer marketing generates higher-quality clients and traffic than other methods.

The ROI for influencer marketing is $5.20–6.50 for every dollar invested.

Landing pages

Landing pages… what exactly are they? An invaluable tool for any marketer. The only purpose of this solo page is to bring about conversions.

A good conversion rate from visitors to buyers on your website and landing pages is essential for online marketing success. If a page takes an extra second to load.

Keep up with the latest best practices for creating landing pages in order to boost your website’s conversion rate. You may skip the trial-and-error phase of optimizing a landing page from scratch by utilizing Wix. The landing page layouts may be modified to suit your needs, and they all have prominent call-to-action buttons and responsive, mobile-friendly layouts. Just modify the wording and add your own photos to make it work for your company.

