Common Mistakes Motorists Make When Filing a Hail Damage Claim

5 min readJul 30, 2021


There’s an explanation individuals get apprehensive about hail storms when they roll through Dallas-Fort Worth. They can cause real damage to our vehicles, and cars with hail damage can be an issue to fix. On the off chance that your car has supported hail damage this spring, there are a few things you need to do to get it back to its unique condition, beginning with a call to your insurance company. To assist you with exploring the process, here is a rundown of regular mix-ups numerous motorists make when filing a hail damage claim and how you can stay away from these traps.

Slip-up #1: Waiting to contact the insurance company

After understanding your car has supported hail damage and needs hail dent repair, the principal call, you make in the wake of understanding your vehicle has supported hail damage ought to be your insurance company. You’ll need to do this as fast as could be expected. Why? Since a hail storm goes through North Texas at whatever point, insurance organizations are commonly overwhelmed with hail damage claims. That clearly hinders the process, and in some cases, it can require weeks or even a very long time for the insurance company to convey an appraiser. On the off chance that your car is damaged again — either from a subsequent hail storm or in an accident — before the primary claim is dealt with, the damage from the principal occasion is thought of as “prior” damage and isn’t covered by insurance. So if you mean to get car hail damage repair work done on your vehicle, do it as fast as could be expected. Each day of sitting tight for repairs is a day that you’re driving a car with previous damage and powerless against possible money-related misfortune.

Misstep #2: Not making time to meet the insurance appraiser

After you record a claim, your insurance company will convey an appraiser to survey the damage to your vehicle. You or your mate ought to be available to meet with the insurance agent since it will allow you an opportunity to pose any inquiries you have and to call attention to the damage and backer for the repairs you need. Take notes about what the appraiser says and get some information about the deductible, which you will be liable for paying. Your discussion with the appraiser should assist you with figuring out what repair work should be done and what sort of repair shop you need to pick. You ought to likewise take clear photographs of the damage for your records.

Mix-up #3: Being sucker-punched by the deductible

Discussing the deductible, one ordinary mix-up motorists make when filing an insurance claim for hail damage isn’t understanding that there is a deductible, they will be liable for paying from cash on hand. This is undoubtedly not a yearly deductible like medical coverage, but instead a deductible you need to spend each time you document a claim as controlled by your approach. If you pay the deductible, your insurance company will pay the leftover expense to repair your vehicle. You ought to get some information about the sum and plan for the installment so you will not be driven away from the hail damage unrepaired.

Error #4: Accepting a settlement check and not fixing the damage

Your insurance company will doubtlessly offer you an underlying settlement check, and it very well may be enticing to take it to get the entire trial over with. Numerous motorists do and afterward put it towards what they owe on the car instead of completing the repairs. Yet, remember that the underlying appraisal is commonly well underneath the actual damages — now and again by as much as half. So, you ought to never acknowledge a settlement check until you know the full degree of the damages and misfortunes. Regardless of whether it doesn’t resemble a great deal of damage, car hail damage is regularly considerably more costly to fix than most car proprietors figure it out. What may resemble a couple of hundred dollars’ worth of damage to you could be a few thousand dollars’ worth of damage. Indeed, in any event, when the damage is just refreshing. That is the reason it’s fundamental to wait for full repair inclusion and get your car repaired. Leaving the hail damage is perhaps the most significant slip-up motorists make since hail damage altogether diminishes the worth of your vehicle, as you will discover some other time when you go to exchange it. When numerous motorists understand that what they thought was only light restorative damage has cost them a considerable number of dollars in misfortunes.

Misstep #5: Not chatting with a few body shops before settling on a decision

To begin with, you ought to be careful about the “favored seller” list from your insurance company. By law, you can pick any shop you need to deal with your repairs, so get your work done and choose an auto repair shop that will buckle down for you. Second, by “get your work done,” we mean: never settle for the principal repair shop you find without conversing with a few different shops. However long there are no scratches or slashes, your vehicle is, in all probability, a decent possibility for paintless dent repair (PDR). PDR is less expensive, quicker, and holds the car’s estimation better than customary dent repair.

Notwithstanding, not all PDR organizations are very similar, so you should plan a few evaluations from neighborhood body shops and ensure you’re taking a gander at how every business handle auto hail repair. You can do that by posing significant inquiries. Post for spring-up shops that guarantee extraordinary arrangements, yet then, at that point, close up when hail season closes. Pick a legitimate dent repair company like Bodyguard that offers a lifetime warranty and will be here long after hail season approaches. When you need to settle on a choice, you ought to have a strong comprehension of your cash-based costs, how long the regular repair will take, how every business works, and what guarantees they offer.

Why pick BodyGuard for your paintless dent repair?

Fixing hail damage minus any additional harming the material is an undertaking that requires proficient preparation, expert expertise, and demanding accuracy. Not every person shop is prepared to deal with the work productively and adequately. Bodyguard has practical experience in paintless dent repair, so if you’re searching for the best hail damage repair company to take your automotive hail damage, connect with our team of experts at Bodyguard. Past hail dent removal and fixing hail damage on cars, our auto hail experts will give you the faultless client support experience you merit. We likewise offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty on our administration. We’re known and confided in DFW for our top-quality care. For more data about our quick and direct vehicle hail damage repair process, go to our site at for additional subtleties, or call us today at 469–628–4910 to set up an arrangement.



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