5 min readMar 7, 2022


If you’re keen on keeping your garden looking great all year round, then you’ll need to know what tasks to take on each month. Here at TreeNewal, we are passionate about helping people keep their gardens healthy and beautiful — which is why we’ve put together a guide to monthly gardening tasks! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced green thumb, this guide will be sure to help. Keep reading for tips on everything from soil maintenance to pest control!



One of the main tasks for gardeners in January is to prepare their gardens for the upcoming year. This includes cleaning up any fallen leaves or debris, pruning trees and shrubs, and planting new plants. It’s also a good time to start thinking about your garden design for the year, and what you want to achieve. This is a great time to call your ISA-Certified Arborist, like your friends at TreeNewal to take a look at your trees and set them up for success for the entire year.

January is a great time to start planting some color annuals during warmer days. Spring-blooming bulbs can be planted until mid-January to give them enough time to establish. Make sure to mulch new plants to keep them healthy and warm during the rest of the month.

Keep frost cloth, or some bedsheets handy, in case the weather may freeze. Any newly planted plants will need extra support during cold times as they’re still getting established.


February is a good time to start preparing your garden for spring! Start planning where you want to plant new annuals and perennials, as well as what type of flowers or herbs will go best in the different areas of your yard. This is a great time to plant new trees or relocate cold-hardy trees.

This time of the year is a great time to prune your trees if you haven’t already. Pruning can be a tricky job if you’re not an ISA-Certified arborist. If you need support with your February tree and plant health, call TreeNewal.

If you have flower beds, February is a great time to mulch. It is best to mulch before the weather warms up and weeds begin to sprout.


March is the perfect time to start planting cool-season annuals. If you’re wanting to plant a new tree but haven’t got the chance to, planting in March will help your trees establish strong roots before the summer. Make sure to fertilize these new trees so they get a great start! It’s also a good time to start pruning perennials and preparing your garden for the hotter months.


Spring is in full swing by April! This means that it’s time to fertilize any new trees or shrubs you have planted this month or earlier in the year. Continuing pruning your trees and shrubs to shape old and new growth. April is the perfect time to plant new perennials in your flower beds. Make sure to select plants that are right for your area. TreeNewal can help you select which trees are right for your home and area!


May is a great time to plant trees and shrubs and other heat-tolerant summer annuals. Make sure to water newly planted trees and shrubs deeply, at least once a week. Watch for pests on your new plants and treat them accordingly. Prune any dead wood from trees that have been damaged over the winter.

May is a great time to have a check-up on the health of your trees. As the summer starts to pick up, your trees can start getting infected with bugs. If you have any concerns, call TreeNewal for a consultation.


In June, it’s important to make sure that your garden is well watered — especially newly planted trees and shrubs. Mulch around plants monthly to help retain moisture in the soil and suppress weed growth. Fertilizing is key during this time of the year! Fertilizing your lawn and garden with a nitrogen-rich blend, like the TreeNewal’s exclusive fertilizer, will help your plants thrive all summer long.

Watch for insect pests and diseases on your trees and shrubs during this month, and take action if necessary. TreeNewal can help you determine the best course of treatment for your garden’s health.


July is the perfect time to start planting your fall tomatoes! Make sure to remove spent blooms from your plants monthly, this will encourage new growth.

If you haven’t already had a tree health check done by TreeNewal, now would be an excellent time! Our certified arborists can determine the overall health of your trees and recommend any treatments or pruning if necessary. Continue fertilizing your garden as your plants continue to grow!


August is all about watering! Make sure you’re still watering your landscape and trees as the fall begins. Consider planting seasonal annuals, such as marigolds, for some fall color.

Webworms have been known to take over trees in August! If you suspect your tree has fallen ill to webworms, contact your friends at TreeNewal.


If you’re in the market for a new tree, consider spending your September planting new trees and shrubs! If you have rose bushes in your garden, deadhead them to make room for new growth next year. September is also a great time to plant new rose bushes.


October is a great time to purchase pre-chilled spring-blooming bulbs. Planting cool-season annuals will give your garden some color. Keep watering your plants during this time to help them get through the winter, this is crucial for newly planted trees and shrubs.

October is a great time to check the health of your trees before winter hits. If your trees are in poor health, they’re unlikely to survive a freeze. Call TreeNewal for a free consultation and set your trees up for success before the winter.


November is a great time to continue planting trees and shrubs. This will give them time to establish strong roots in winter. Using a root stimulant can help get them started. If you need support with a newly planted tree, contact TreeNewal for the support!

Mulch your trees and plants to help them retain moisture and keep them warm during the cold season. If you’re looking to transplant one of your trees, now is a great time. Make sure to plant them with a large enough root ball to avoid root damage.


This is the month to get your trees ready for winter! Make sure to rake up any leaves or debris that have fallen on the ground around them. Inspect your trees for broken branches and prune them as necessary. Make sure to keep watering during this time to help them get through the winter, this is crucial for newly planted trees and shrubs.

Fertilize your trees monthly with a nitrogen-rich blend, like TreeNewal’s exclusive fertilizer, to help them thrive all winter long. Contact us if you have any questions about how to take care of your garden during the winter and during the entire year!

Year-Long Tree Care

Our plants and trees grow year long and need constant care. That’s why at TreeNewal, we offer year-long tree care services to ensure your plants are healthy and thriving all year long. Our certified arborists can help you with anything from fertilizing to pest control. Contact us today for a free consultation!



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