How And Why To Use Customer Reviews In Your App Marketing Strategy

3 min readMay 27, 2019


The Natives Are Restless

One of the most consequential recent trends for folks working in marketing and sales is that more buyers than ever are conducting their own research. Add to that the fact that customers prefer to rely on information about products from other end-users because of growing distrust in vendors, and traditional advertising is no longer enough to convert browsers to buyers.

This is an especially important reality check for folks in the booming app marketing game. Studies show that there were over 175 billion app downloads in 2017 alone. Read on to find out why using customer reviews is an app marketing best practice in 2018.

Rebuild Consumer Trust

In the old days, word-of-mouth shared in person was the coin of the realm. Now, a company reputation is made or broken by user reviews shared online.

They help deliver social proof to prospective buyers, who are far less inclined to believe that vendors are truthful about what they reselling than vendors are themselves. So it should come as no surprise that using unfiltered customer feedback doubles your influence over buyer behaviour.

Harvesting & Harnessing Feedback

There no doubting that user reviews enhance your marketing profile and drive conversions. What not so clear is how exactly to get and use enough of them to do the trick. Try this four-step plan to make your brand more visible and credible:

1. Play host

Users of your app will be far more likely to share testimonials of their experience if you provide a space where they can easily do so. Two main ways to do so are (a) via review sites, which can supply you with a custom URL to a dedicated landing page for your brand or product, or (b) hosting one on your own webpage.

2. Communicate well and often

When it comes to effective communication, the fundamental things apply. Clear, consistent, and positive messaging will call your audience in without rubbing them the wrong way.

As old-fashioned as it may seem, emailing remains the most effective marketing tool at your disposal, with 269 billion emails sent per day, and three times as many email accounts in use as Facebook and Twitter profiles combined. E-newsletters and email notifications are great opportunities to invite customers to leave testimonials of their experience using your app.

3. Be transparent

Psychological research confirms what we already suspect: that everyone is at risk of having their own bias cloud their judgment, even when we realize it.

Prospective customers are good at sniffing out things that sound a little too good to be true. A mixture of perspectives about a product looks exactly like what it is more believable. One way to ensure your reviewers and their readers keep themselves honest and help you guard against your own bias, make it plain when you invite testimonials that positive feedback is not required for perks. Research backs this up, showing that even a negative review is more effective in establishing buyer trust than no review at all.

4. Be responsive

There’s a lot to be said for persistence. Always thank your customers for their feedback even as you extend the invitation. And use every tool to follow up and stay engaged. Social channels, where you can share information and show that you take user feedback seriously, provide lots of great opportunities for doing so.

Customer testimonials complement paid advertising to strengthen your marketing toolkit in an era when the technology of social media and the digital commons have made the buyers journey more independent than ever. The tips we’ve reviewed will help you create a virtuous cycle of communication between you and your audience that will earn your brand the reputation for quality control that it deserves.

Author Bio:

Brianna Barcena is a Content Specialist at TrustRadius. When she’s not in the office, she enjoys reading, watching a good historical drama, doing yoga, and going on adventures with her dog, Deeks.



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