How to Drive Increased Leads from Your Social Media

3 min readDec 4, 2020


In the event that your social media strategy comprises essentially of authoritative posts, at that point you should investigate these lead generation statistics concerning mainstream social media platforms:

  • Social media marketing leads to a 45% decline in spending for businesses.
  • Businesses that utilized social media for lead generation expanded their revenue by 24%.

So, we should show you how you can create quality leads through your social media profiles.

Comprehend Your Target Audience

How about we start with the basics, lead generation isn’t like virus selling. It’s tied in with social affair knowledge on your target audience and bringing these individuals into your sales funnel.

To comprehend your target audience, you ought to promptly know the responses to these inquiries:

  • What is your target audience keen on?
  • What products or services might you be able to offer to them?
  • What are their trouble spots?
  • How might you bit by bit convert them?

Luckily, social media makes it simpler to respond to these inquiries. Why? That is on the grounds that individuals frequently share individual insights concerning themselves on their social media platforms.

In the event that you need to assemble more information on your target audience, social media is the best spot to look. When you have this information, you’ll need to pick a stage where a large number of your possibilities assemble.

How about we examine how you can do this.

Pick the Right Channel

From the highest point of your head, what social media stage would you use without posing any inquiries? Most businesses would pick Facebook.

All things considered, Facebook has billions of clients and one of the world’s most noticeable publicizing instruments. Notwithstanding, in case you’re attempting to arrive at B2B leads, LinkedIn might be your most ideal decision.

This is the place where understanding your target audience becomes an integral factor. On the off chance that your possibilities are B2C consumers, Facebook and Instagram are extraordinary choices.

Nonetheless, in the event that you need customers that are businesses, LinkedIn and Twitter are brilliant decisions.

Get Creative

Recall that there are a large number of businesses that utilize social media to produce leads. Individuals have gotten normally numb to promotional duplicates on social media locales, so it’s imperative to get inventive with your campaigns.

Here’s the way you can do it with each significant social media channel:

  • Facebook: If you’re an eCommerce retailer, challenges are the most ideal approach. This will assist you with the social occasion the email information of contestants you can add to your email marketing campaign.
  • Twitter: Use Twitter Cards is an extraordinary method of making an eye-getting promotional message you can publicize to your possibilities. Indeed, one retail organization received more than 1,700 leads from this technique.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn Premium gives people and businesses the admittance to arrive at qualified leads and get in touch with them straightforwardly. When you have this consideration, offer a markdown or free example to refine your leads.
  • Instagram: Use enamoring recordings to exhibit another item and utilize mainstream hashtags, just as your own marked hashtag to get out the word.

Getting leads through your social media channels doesn’t need to be tedious or troublesome. In case you’re experiencing issues, contact Accunity to perceive how we can help you today!



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