Just because you can doesn’t mean you ought to.
We’re assuming here that you’re not a car professional yourself. And no matter what all those DIY YouTube tutorials may lead you to believe, a few things are best passed on to the professionals.
Replacing your headlight bulb? Changing your power steering liquid? Do-It-Yourself it up, as those maintenance projects can be done with really significant space for error. But know when to save yourself the time, the headache, the money, and some of the time even the danger to just get it done right the first time by those that know-how.
Thus, here are our top picks for car repairs best left to the pros. Don’t say we didn’t warn you…
Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)
Paintless dent repair, or PDR, is an advanced and contemporary approach to car dent repair, however actually ‘car dent removal’ would be a better way to put it. This is an especially popular option for car hail damage, considering there could be hundreds of small dents throughout the body of your car.
Conventional car ding repair typically focuses on filling in the dent and then painting over top of it, but PDR tackles the problem literally from the inside out. This highly specialized technique works by removing the interior paneling to reshape the metal back into position. Yes, there are toolkits that you can buy off Amazon for a bit, but trust us — PDR is much harder to do than it probably sounds, at least to get results you’ll be happy with.
If fixing door dings and scratches is on your car’s maintenance To-Do list, BodyGuard may be just the solution for you. Call us for an estimate!
Air Conditioning
It’s just A/C, correct? Indeed, it’s also just tons of tiny moving parts, hazardous chemicals, and an extremely sensitive system that must stay sealed at all times in order to work properly. It’s also got an entire range of potential causes of problems from exceptionally easy to extremely complicated. It takes profound knowledge to understand and make feeling of the incalculable possibilities for fixing *just* your A/C.
Fixing Or Working Around Airbags
If you’re doing anything around the steering wheel or your dash panels or ANYwhere where airbags are stored, think about the amount of force at risk if you were to out of the blue set off an airbag. They’re supposed to be for our safety, but if you happen to be in a position the bags aren’t intended to protect you in, you could end up with a hospital charge instead of just a basic body shop bill.
Repairing Transmission
It’s definitely no fun how expensive repairing a transmission can be but remember it’s pricey for a reason — there are hundreds of components (AT LEAST) within a transmission to manage. Accidentally messing any one of those additional pieces up in the repair process can end up costing you a hefty amount more than if you’d trusted pro to take care of the system in the first place.
Besides, a manual transmission is one thing, while the far more popular automatic transmission is a considerably more complicated undertaking. This is a smart opportunity to just call in the specialists.
Replacing A Windshield
Damaged windshields are a really typical issue for drivers but a major safety threat. It’s a delicate task and considering how huge and heavy such a large part of glass as is this, best of luck 1.) not cracking or dropping it, and 2.) not spreading sealant where you don’t want it in the process.
Fitting And Balancing Tires
Another project that sounds easier than it actually is, we can all but guarantee you’re asking for frustration and worse problems not far down the road (play on words 100 percent intended). Especially when it comes to the task of balancing, this bit takes some seriously gifted training and customized gear you definitely can’t get off Amazon.
Electrical Trouble
We might want to think this shouldn’t be said, but one wrong action from someone who isn’t knowledgeable about electrical wiring can bring about a few seriously dangerous situations. Besides, with car tech developing at a lightning-fast pace over the last decade, it’s hard to keep up even as a pro, let alone as a DIYer. Your precision and awareness must be impeccably sharp to stay safe through any and all potential complications, so save them for the ones with the insurance coverage prepared to handle them!
When It Comes to Affordable Dent Removal, Visit Us and Save The Trouble
Paintless dent repair takes years of involvement and practice (not to mention exceptionally particular instruments) to foster the necessary abilities for effectively turning back time on all those dings and pings. Save yourself all the aggravation and added costs of an amateur work and bring your baby into the pros at BodyGuard!
We spend years apprenticing and continue to hone our abilities consistently on the gig. We’ve seen it all! Everything from minor dents, door dings, hail damage, Longhorn damage, basic food item carts, bike falls over on car, and so on — and we’ve seen a ton of customers battle to navigate the process of taking care of those repairs. Get a free estimate or, if you’re ready, book an appointment with us today!