6 min readJun 1, 2021


Spring is going full speed ahead, which implies it’s the ideal opportunity for spring tree care. If you have inquiries in spring about the health of your tree, you’re in good company. This is the busiest season for most tree care professionals since it’s the season when our trees need some additional consideration. Here are the most widely recognized inquiries we get from clients in the spring and some tree care tips to assist you with upgrading your tree’s health.

For what reason are such large numbers of the leaves on my tree dead or discolored?

You ought to, in every case, intently screen your tree’s health, and spring is a lucky chance to check for indications of pests, disease, and damage. On the off chance that your tree has dead or discolored leaves, that implies it very well may be debilitated. A couple of dead leaves don’t cause alarm. It’s entirely expected to see a few leaves biting the dust and becoming brown in color, even on healthy trees. On the off chance that you notice a bunch of dead leaves, odds are there’s a dead branch that you need to cut back. Indeed, even on giant, healthy trees, branches kick the bucket as a piece of the tree’s normal life cycle.

Notwithstanding, various dead branches are reason to worry. If you notice a few branches with earthy colored leaves or no leaves by any stretch of the imagination, take a stab at snapping off one of the smaller twigs. On the off chance that it breaks effectively and is dry and fragile, your tree could be passing on or dead. Check for any evident indications of affliction or damage. Do you see any open injuries on the appendages or tree trunk? Are there creepy crawlies are the tree leaves and stems? Is there form or fungus growing on the branches? Search for missing bark. Try not to be too frightened about minor fixes of missing bark, yet huge patches cause concern.

While it may wind up being a minor issue that is effortlessly addressed, there could be more perplexing issues at hand. If a problem is left undetected and untreated for a long time, it is feasible for a tree to turn out to be excessively far gone to be saved and will instead be eliminated. On the off chance that you figure your tree may be wiped out orbiting the dust, you should connect with TreeNewal’s tree doctors right away.

How would it be a good idea to respond if a branch on my tree is dead?

In North Texas, you ought to, for the most part, prune your trees before temperatures drop in the fall or before the trees leaf out in the spring. This protects your trees from pests and diseases that go after weak trees with open injuries. Nonetheless, the evacuation of dead or diseased branches should be possible whenever of the year and ought to be a piece of your yearly tree care routine to keep up the health of your trees. Remember, however, that eliminating enormous branches, particularly on the off chance that they’ve been damaged throughout the colder time of year, can be incredibly hazardous and ought to be finished by a professional who has the devices and information to eliminate them securely. TreeNewal’s tree specialists are accessible to help!

How would I plant a tree?

When planting another tree in spring, you can give your tree the ideal beginning utilizing the accompanying strategies when growing: The primary thing you need to do is distinguish the tree’s trunk flare, where the storage compartment expands the tree’s base. The storage compartment flare ought to top out of the soil, so the hole you burrow ought to be a few times as wide as the root chunk of your sapling, however sufficiently profound that the storage compartment flare will be incompletely noticeable once planted. After you place the tree in the hole, guarantee that it’s straight before refilling. Settle the tree by pressing earth around the root ball and eliminating any wrapping, string, or wire. Proceed to fill the hole tenderly, however solidly. It would help if you tried not to make air pockets in the soil, which could dry out the roots, so use water to settle the soil around the root ball. Try not to prepare the soil during planting, yet mulch once the hole is adequately inlayed.

Would it be a good idea for me to water my trees in the spring?

On the off chance that you have young or newly planted trees, they will require a great deal of water to launch their lives. The initial three years are the most basic. You need to keep the soil damp, however not water-logged. By and large, a young tree ought to get five gallons of water each week per caliper inch. To decide the caliper inch, measure the breadth of the storage compartment six crawls starting from the earliest stage. Nonetheless, remember that site area, soil type, waste, and rainfall can influence that amount. During summer, increase supplemental watering for young trees to ten gallons for every caliper inch. During seven days of weighty rain, avoid supplemental watering. Be careful about water sitting at the foundation of the planting hole and water-logged soil. Over-watering can execute a newly planted tree.

Focus on your developed trees too. In North Texas, trees need water in the spring for the growing season, in the late spring when it’s boiling and dry, and here and there in the fall and winter on the off chance that we have periods without rainfall. Water system timetables and amounts may fluctuate for set up trees (at least three years after planting). Examination your tree to understand its particular watering needs. Numerous local Texas trees are dry spell lenient and probably won’t require as much supplemental watering. On the off chance that you have questions or concerns, one of TreeNewal’s ISA Certified Arborists can visit your property to decide on an altered tree care plan.

Would it be advisable for me to mulch in the spring? How?

Mulching in the spring is a fundamental piece of spring tree care. It will help set up your trees for the forthcoming warm, dry summer climate that can damage your tree’s roots. To protect your trees and shrubs from damage, you ought to guarantee they have a new layer of mulch. Mulch goes about as a protective layer over your tree’s roots, keeping the soil soggy and cool. Try to utilize legitimate mulching methods. You would prefer not to over-mulch as that can cause a large group of different issues. Put down a layer of mulch around two to four inches thick and keep the mulch a couple of inches from the tree’s trunk.

TreeNewal can help!

On the off chance that you have inquiries concerning spring tree care or need some more care tips, our ISA Certified Arborists are accessible to visit your property and evaluate your tree’s health. TreeNewal is a certified arborist tree administration with two certified arborists in staff and a group of exceptionally qualified tree care experts. On the off chance that you need professional tree care, our tree doctors in Dallas are excellent at the business. They can make proficient suggestions for streamlining your tree’s health. We care about tree health care at all phases of the tree life cycle. We are experts on both youthful and develop trees. We offer an assortment of master tree care services, for example, tree planting, tree trimming, tree pruning, disease and pest control, root aeration, and tree removal. For more data, go to our site at To set up an arrangement, call us at (817) 349–7754.



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