Maybe you’re a first-time homeowner, and your new home accompanied a tree or two that you don’t realize how to maintain. Perhaps you’ve finally chosen to make those improvements to your landscape that you’ve been thinking about, and so you’re doing some research before planting a tree. Regardless, congratulations on your excursion! By finding and clicking on this blog, you’ve made your first strides towards becoming a responsible tree owner by educating yourself about tree health and the best tree care practices. Your trees, much obliged. Here are some tree care tips to assist you with getting started:
Best Watering Practices
Regardless of whether they’re young or old, all trees need water. Nonetheless, immature trees do require a touch more. This is what you should think about watering your trees:
Recently planted trees should get five gallons of water each week per caliper inch, which you can determine by measuring the storage compartment’s width six inches from the beginning. During summer, increase the measure of supplemental watering to ten gallons for every caliper inch.
Water your trees twice per week to give the soil time to dry between watering — in a perfect world each Monday and Thursday.
During weeks of hefty rainfall, skip the supplemental watering. Be careful about water sitting at the base of the tree and water-logged soil. Over-watering can kill trees, especially young ones.
Develop trees may also require supplemental watering during months of less than three to four inches of rainfall. Nonetheless, various trees require varying amounts of water. Some Texas trees need next to no water to thrive during dry months. Do some research about your specific tree.
In the summer, when hot temperatures stress your trees during the day, it’s best to water in the evening or around evening time. That is whenever trees get an opportunity to replenish their moisture. It’s also when water is least likely to evaporate.
The best watering strategy is to use a soaker hose or dribble irrigation.
Don’t focus the water on the tree’s base as it could cause root disease and different issues. Instead, you should water your trees below the crown and stretch out to a couple of feet beyond the dripline.
Understanding Tree Nutrition
Each tree has its own set of favored soil conditions: Some incline toward acidic soil; some lean toward alkaline soil; some thrive in clay; others thrive in sand. Before you dump a lot of fertilizer or other organic matter into your soil, do a little research about your specific tree to determine your tree’s needs. It is possible to over-treat your soil, so you should do a soil test to check your soil’s condition and determine if and how to correct it. It’s best to get one from a lab or extension service; however, you can find a home testing unit at most garden centers in a pinch. On the off chance that you have questions or concerns, consider hiring an arborist for fertilization and soil conditioning. A professional tree care provider can help you examine your soil and determine how to alter it to best suit your tree.
Mulching Your Tree
Mulching offers various benefits to your tree than fertilizer, albeit like fertilizer, it can add nutrients and different soil elements. Notwithstanding, regardless of whether you don’t have to prepare your soil, try to maintain the mulch around your tree. Mulch acts as a protective blanket for your tree’s roots. It helps your soil retain moisture and nutrients, making the soil rich and more agreeable for your trees to develop. It also tamps down on weeds and grass’ growth, meaning less time and stir digging up weeds. Lastly, mulch regulates the soil’s temperature, keeping it warm during the winter months and cool during the summer months. This is especially significant for young trees and can be a massive boost in furthering their survival chances. Here are how to do it:
At the point when you mulch, make a layer around two to four inches thick. Spread the coating around the tree’s base, starting a couple of inches from the storage compartment, going out in all directions around three or four feet.
Be careful not to use too much mulch and make what arborists call a “mulch well of lava.” Over-mulching can cause the roots to grow up around the base of the tree and choke it. Albeit this is a fixable issue, it’s a lot easier to maintain a strategic distance from it altogether. If your tree as of now has this issue, call a specialist tree care service.
Too much mulch can also hold oxygen back from entering the soil, suffocating the root system. Roots rely upon oxygen for growth and function.
Tree Pruning Tips
Tree pruning and trimming isn’t a one-and-done thing. Indeed, even healthy trees need routine pruning. Following a couple of years of establishment, young trees should be pruned and trimmed to develop the correct structure during their juvenile stage of roughly ten years. Pruning can immensely affect the general structural integrity of the tree. Remember that less is more about tree pruning, so ensure you’re using proper pruning techniques. Since terrible pruning can have serious long-term effects on your trees, you should consider working with a certified arborist who understands proper structural pruning and other healthy pruning techniques.
TreeNewal is Here For You.
It may be a little daunting when you first begin learning how to care for a tree, yet TreeNewal is here to help you at all times. We’re a one-stop-shop as far as your tree might be concerned needs. We have three ISA Certified Arborists on staff, and a group of exceptionally qualified tree care experts prepared to help.
We can assist with tree planting, tree nutrition, soil conditioning, tree trimming and removal, tree pruning, root aeration, insect and disease management. On the off chance that your tree appears to be dead, we can also assist with tree removal services.
For more information on the most proficient method to care for your trees, visit our website at for more details, or call us today at 817–264–7937 to schedule an appointment.