Think your website looks fine and dandy in the manner in which it is? Those homepage sliders and level shading plans could make you want to reconsider…
In the event that you’re not seeing the outcomes you’d like as far as traffic and conversions, it’s probably time for you to cause a ruckus on your site. Here are Agency Partner’s top reasons why you want to redesign your website ASAP!
On Average…
As a common rule, it’s suggested you redesign your website about once every few years. Quite basically, with the lightning-fast rate of progress in the digital sphere, a few years is constantly it takes for your site’s design to undoubtedly fall behind and watch outdated.
Your site doesn’t reflect your image any longer
Your website really must match your image, from tasteful and identity to voice and messaging. From the second your home or landing page loads for a client, it ought to be crystal clear who and what precisely the company is. Perhaps your site and brand matched when you originally sent off yet you’ve gone through certain advancements into who your element is today. Time to redesign for who you are currently!
Your website is behind the current design patterns
Of course, those designs were once new and current… yet would they say they are still? Investigate your site and afterward get to Googling the groundbreaking thoughts and standards in the web design world. This update will stay with your feeling current and savvy.
Your website doesn’t answer well to all gadgets
On the off chance that your site doesn’t naturally change and advance to the gadget a client is accessing it from, chances are very high that the client will either get frustrated or lose interest (or both) in proceeding to investigate your site. This might be an iPhone, a tablet, an Android, and so on considering how it is additionally possible to adversely affect your analytics like bounce rate and click-through rate. Try not to pass up innumerable open doors for conversion over a basic client experience issue!
Your website doesn’t give the client your entire service options
You’ve likely expanded your services as your business has developed. Does your sitemap mirror that? In the event that a client isn’t promptly mindful that you address their issues, they’re probably going to continue on to a contender who they should rest assured addresses their issues. It very well may be the ideal opportunity for a redesign to account for a few new pages that cover the subtleties of everything you offer, both old and new!
Your website isn’t search engine-friendly
The significance of SEO couldn’t possibly be more significant, and in the event that your site isn’t designed in view of it, it’s most certainly time to redo your website no matter what some other element! In the event that you’re not currently recognizable, set out to find out about prescribed procedures for site engineering optimization and even look at our blog entry on Web Design Mistakes That Can Harm Your SEO. Preferably, everything about your site’s coding should be made search engine friendly, from custom landing page URLs and meta descriptions to title tags and even picture optimization.
Your website doesn’t maximize your content marketing plan
Site design and content marketing are synergistic without a doubt. Let’s assume you have a blog connected to your company’s site, yet the design has the main direct access point covered at the lower part of the page? Since the design isn’t aware of the client excursion to the marketing device, you’re both restricting your clients’ capacity to track down your content and your own capacity to drive lead age and customer relations — an excellent reason to redo your website!
Your website depends on obsolete tech
In the event that your site isn’t current and applicable, how could a potential customer think your company all in all is exceptional? Old tech can overload your site handling speeds, hauling down its exhibition for the client. It likewise can be a major boundary to search engines and their capacity to filter and evaluate your content for SEO visibility and positioning. Redesign your website for an update that makes it more effective and upholds a positive encounter for your clients.
Your website is missing significant activity drivers
Similar to design supporting your content marketing, upgraded arrangement of CTAs is so critical to the progress of your marketing strategies and at last your income. Ensure the CTA designs are firm and insightful across all site pages to maximize sway.
Your website is available to vulnerabilities
Utilizing obsolete tech would not just harm your credibility and strategic advantage be able to yet, in addition, put the actual site in danger of security attacks. Regardless of the size of your business, information is generally valuable here and there to some unacceptable arrangement of malignant eyes. Refreshing your site can be the basic line of safeguard you want against hacking, viruses, and malware.
Assuming that anything on this rundown seems like it applies to your site and its current design, we enthusiastically prescribe connecting with our design team at Agency Partner for help. We can work with you to make a site that looks extraordinary as well as mirrors the most recent digital patterns and innovations. Your website is regularly the initial feeling potential customers have of your business — let it be one they recollect for the right reasons!